How Speech Pathologists Support People with ADHD

What is ADHD?

ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) is a neurodevelopmental condition which is characterised by difficulties with sustaining attention and impulse control. People who have ADHD are neurodivergent, that is there are differences in the ways their brain’s work. While ADHD is not, in itself, a communication disorder, most people with ADHD have difficulties in at least one area of communication and may benefit from the services of a Speech Pathologist. 


Some of these difficulties include:

  • Social communication – this is the most common area of communication that people with ADHD have difficulties with. It can be difficult for people with ADHD to make and keep friends, especially if they don’t understand the differences in communication and social interaction styles between themselves and neurotypical people. Taking turns, staying on topic, conversation repair and story-telling can all be challenging for many people with ADHD.  
  • Literacy and numeracy -some people with ADHD have challenges learning to read, write, or do maths, and people with ADHD are more likely to also have a specific learning disorder in one of these areas. 
  • Stuttering – people with ADHD are more likely to get stuck on, or repeat, sounds, words, phrases and sentences when having conversations that children without ADHD. 
  • Voice disorders- people, and especially children, with hyperactive and impulsive presentations in ADHD are at great risk of developing vocal nodules. Vocal nodules are callous-like growths on the vocal folds that are caused by regular use of the voice in a way that (unintentionally) causes harm. 


As with all neurodiversity, not every person with ADHD will have the same experiences. However, the above list outlines of the more common challenges with communication that people with ADHD face. 

The Speech Pathologist’s Role in diagnosing ADHD

A paediatrician or psychiatrist are the primary medical professionals involved in the diagnosis of ADHD, however they are not always the first health care professional that a person may see. Speech Pathologists, Occupational Therapists and psychologists regularly work with people with conditions that commonly occur alongside ADHD, such as communication difficulties. If a Speech Pathologist thinks that the attention or impulse control of a client may be contributing to a communication difficulty, they will recommend further investigation. 


Conversely, a person with a diagnosis of ADHD may be referred to a Speech Pathologist for a comprehensive communication assessment if they are experiencing difficulties with communication.

How can a Speech Pathologist Help?


The role of the speech pathologist in management of ADHD will vary greatly, and depend on the communication difficulties the person is experiencing. Goals are based around the needs and desired outcome of people with ADHD, and may include education for people in their environment, as well as working directly with people with ADHD. 


Ways of helping include:

  • Working collaboratively with people with ADHD and their families to identify, assess and manage communication difficulties;
  • Use of gold standard and evidence-based programs to improve receptive and expressive language, fluency, literacy and voice quality;
  • Providing education to people with ADHD, their families, and educators about communication styles and how they can best be supported; 
  • Teaching specific communication or social skills, identified in collaboration with the person with ADHD, that help them to achieve their goals.
  • Provision of multi-modal communication resources, such as visual schedules, to assist with attention and organisation.


Whether working with children or adults, or with families, schools or workplaces, a collaborative relationship is central. This will ensure that the goals of speech pathology are meeting the needs of the individual, and that gains made in therapy can have a meaningful and lasting impact in the life of the person with ADHD.